Vertical street


Cover of the photo zine Vertical street by Janko Bosch
Cover of the photo zine Vertical street by Janko Bosch
Cover of the photo zine Vertical street by Janko Bosch
Cover of the photo zine Vertical street by Janko Bosch
Cover of the photo zine Vertical street by Janko Bosch

About the project

This zine is a mixture of color and black&white images of mundane everyday street scenes. Janko Bosch's work is known for urban exploration. This zine is no exception, the images are filled with meaning and have a common stylistic approach. The artworks share multiple commonalities and explore intertwined relationships. How do images communicate together and when do images become more than the individual image?

About the Book

Size 148 mm x 210 mm
Pages 60
Book type Zine
Binding softcover
Language English

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